
Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
जम्हाईnoun f.jamhaiyawn
उबासीnoun f.ubasiyawn
उबाने वालाnoun m.ubane valayawn
जम्हाई लेनाverbjamhai lenayawn
फैल जानाverbphail janayawn
उबासी लेनाverbubasi lenayawn
मुँह बाये होनाverbmum̐h baye honayawn

  • yawn - FAQs

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  • Yawn Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 7 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'yawn'. 'उबासी - ubasi', 'उबाने वाला - ubane vala', 'जम्हाई लेना - jamhai lena', 'फैल जाना - phail jana', 'उबासी लेना - ubasi lena' and 'मुँह बाये होना - mum̐h baye hona' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.