
Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
दँतपट्टिकाnoun f.dam̐tapattikatooth
नसnoun f.nastooth
चोंच्noun f.conctooth
दाढ़noun f.darhtooth
उभरा हुआ दांतnoun m.ubhra hua danttooth
दांतnoun m.danttooth
दाँतnoun m.dam̐ttooth
अक्षिदंतnoun m.akshidanttooth
श्वदन्तnoun m.shvadanttooth
दंतnoun m.danttooth
दूध का दांतnoun m.dudh ka danttooth
कृत्रिम दांतnoun m.kritrim danttooth
कृंतकnoun m.krintaktooth
नकली दांतnoun m.nakli danttooth

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  • Tooth Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 15 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'tooth'. 'नस - nas', 'चोंच् - conc', 'दाढ़ - darh', 'उभरा हुआ दांत - ubhra hua dant', 'दांत - dant', 'दाँत - dam̐t', 'अक्षिदंत - akshidant', 'श्वदन्त - shvadant', 'दंत - dant', 'दूध का दांत - dudh ka dant', 'कृत्रिम दांत - kritrim dant', 'कृंतक - krintak', 'नकली दांत - nakli dant' and 'लगाना - lagana' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.