
Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
नाट्यकलाnoun f.natyaklatheatre
नाट्यशालाnoun f.natyashalatheatre
संगीतनाट्यशालाnoun f.sangitnatyashalatheatre
रंगशालाnoun f.rangashalatheatre
सिनेमाघरnoun m.sinemaghartheatre
युद्ध क्षेत्रnoun m.yuddh kshetrtheatre
नाटकnoun m.nataktheatre
संगीतनाट्य-गृहnoun m.sangitnatya-grihtheatre
थियेटरnoun m.thiyetartheatre
शल्यक्रिया-कक्षnoun m.shalyakriya-kakshtheatre

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  • Theatre Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 10 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'theatre'. 'नाट्यशाला - natyashala', 'संगीतनाट्यशाला - sangitnatyashala', 'रंगशाला - rangashala', 'सिनेमाघर - sinemaghar', 'युद्ध क्षेत्र - yuddh kshetr', 'नाटक - natak', 'संगीतनाट्य-गृह - sangitnatya-grih', 'थियेटर - thiyetar' and 'शल्यक्रिया-कक्ष - shalyakriya-kaksh' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.