put off

Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
बुझा देनाverbbujha denaput off
रद्द करनाverbradd karnaput off
टाल जानाverbtal janaput off
बाधा डालनाverbbadha dalnaput off
रुची कम होनाverbruci kam honaput off
टालनाverbtalnaput off
पसन्द न आनाverbpasand n anaput off
उतारनाverbutarnaput off
टाल देनाverbtal denaput off
बुझानाverbbujhanaput off
स्थगित करनाverbsthagit karnaput off

  • put off - FAQs

    • What is the meaning of put off in Hindi?
    • Translate put off in Hindi language.
    • What does put off stand for?
    • Is it verb or noun or adverb?
putter aroundput that in your pipe and smoke it
put the boot input the cart before the horse
put the clock backput the clock forward
put the kibosh onput through
  • Put Off Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 11 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'put off'. 'रद्द करना - radd karna', 'टाल जाना - tal jana', 'बाधा डालना - badha dalna', 'रुची कम होना - ruci kam hona', 'टालना - talna', 'पसन्द न आना - pasand n ana', 'उतारना - utarna', 'टाल देना - tal dena', 'बुझाना - bujhana' and 'स्थगित करना - sthagit karna' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.