out of order

Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
अनुचितadj.anuchitout of order
अव्यवस्थितadj.avyavasthitout of order
नियमविरूद्धadj.niyamviruddhout of order
खराबadj.kharabout of order

  • out of order - FAQs

    • What is the meaning of out of order in Hindi?
    • Translate out of order in Hindi language.
    • What does out of order stand for?
    • Is it verb or noun or adverb?
out of the questionout of the running
out of the wayout of this world
out of touchout of true
out of tuneout on the tiles
  • Out Of Order Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 4 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'out of order'. 'अव्यवस्थित - avyavasthit', 'नियमविरूद्ध - niyamviruddh' and 'खराब - kharab' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.