
Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
पेट्रोलियम जेलीnoun f.petroliyam jelijelly
जेलीnoun f.jelijelly
अवलेहnoun m.avlehjelly
मुरब्बाnoun m.murabbajelly
जेली-सा जमानाverbjeli-sa jamanajelly
जेली-सा बननाverbjeli-sa bannajelly
जेली-सा बनानाverbjeli-sa bananajelly
जेली-सा जमनाverbjeli-sa jamnajelly

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  • Jelly Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 9 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'jelly'. 'पेट्रोलियम जेली - petroliyam jeli', 'जेली - jeli', 'अवलेह - avleh', 'मुरब्बा - murabba', 'जेली-सा जमाना - jeli-sa jamana', 'जेली-सा बनना - jeli-sa banna', 'जेली-सा बनाना - jeli-sa banana' and 'जेली-सा जमना - jeli-sa jamna' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.