have had it

Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
परेशान होनाverbpareshan honahave had it
बहुत ही बदतर हालत में होनाverbbahut hi badtar halat men honahave had it
खैर नहीं होनाverbkhair nahin honahave had it
बहुत थका हुआ होनाverbbahut thaka hua honahave had it

  • have had it - FAQs

    • What is the meaning of have had it in Hindi?
    • Translate have had it in Hindi language.
    • What does have had it stand for?
    • Is it verb or noun or adverb?
have seen better dayshave the hots for
have the run ofhave the wind up
have tohave up
have wordshavoc
  • Have Had It Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 4 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'have had it'. 'बहुत ही बदतर हालत में होना - bahut hi badtar halat men hona', 'खैर नहीं होना - khair nahin hona' and 'बहुत थका हुआ होना - bahut thaka hua hona' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.