ले जाना - le jana

English MeaningCategoryWordHindi Translit
translateverbले जानाle jana
pipeverbले जानाle jana
leadverbले जानाle jana
shuttleverbले जानाle jana
conveyverbले जानाle jana
conductverbले जानाle jana
nudgeverbले जानाle jana
usherverbले जानाle jana
wheelverbले जानाle jana
bringverbले जानाle jana
sailverbले जानाle jana
carryverbले जानाle jana
moveverbले जानाle jana
cartverbले जानाle jana

  • Le Jana - FAQs

    • What is the meaning of 'le jana' in English?
    • Translate ले जाना in English language.
    • What does ले जाना stand for?
    • Is it verb or noun or adverb?
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  • Le Jana Meaning in English

    There are total 14 words in English that can be used for Hindi word 'ले जाना'. 'Pipe', 'lead', 'shuttle', 'convey', 'conduct', 'nudge', 'usher', 'wheel', 'bring', 'sail', 'carry', 'move' and 'cart' are definitions in English. Bookmark this website for future visits.