
Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
गोपालnoun m.gopalcowman
ग्वालाnoun m.gvalacowman
आभीरnoun m.abhircowman
ग्वालnoun m.gvalcowman
घोषnoun m.ghoshcowman
यादवnoun m.yadavcowman
अभीरnoun m.abhircowman
घुड़सवार चरवाहाnoun m.ghursavar charvahacowman
अहीरnoun m.ahircowman
गोपnoun m.gopcowman

  • cowman - FAQs

    • What is the meaning of cowman in Hindi?
    • Translate cowman in Hindi language.
    • What does cowman stand for?
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  • Cowman Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 10 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'cowman'. 'ग्वाला - gvala', 'आभीर - abhir', 'ग्वाल - gval', 'घोष - ghosh', 'यादव - yadav', 'अभीर - abhir', 'घुड़सवार चरवाहा - ghursavar charvaha', 'अहीर - ahir' and 'गोप - gop' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.