
Hindi MeaningCategoryHindi TranslitWord
प्रलोभनnoun m.pralobhanbait
चाराnoun m.charabait
परेशान करनाverbpareshan karnabait
कुत्ते छोड़नाverbkutte chornabait
चारा लगानाverbchara laganabait
आकर्षित करनाverbakarshit karnabait

  • bait - FAQs

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  • Bait Meaning in Hindi

    There are total 8 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'bait'. 'चारा - chara', 'परेशान करना - pareshan karna', 'कुत्ते छोड़ना - kutte chorna', 'सताना - satana', 'चारा लगाना - chara lagana', 'छेड़ेना - cherena' and 'आकर्षित करना - akarshit karna' are definitions in hindi. Bookmark this website for future visits.