प्रेमी - premi

English MeaningCategoryWordHindi Translit
advocatenoun m.प्रेमीpremi
young mannoun m.प्रेमीpremi
boyfriendnoun m.प्रेमीpremi
fellanoun m.प्रेमीpremi
valentinenoun m.प्रेमीpremi
beaunoun m.प्रेमीpremi
flamenoun m.प्रेमीpremi
malenoun m.प्रेमीpremi
heartnoun m.प्रेमीpremi
darlingnoun m.प्रेमीpremi
mannoun m.प्रेमीpremi
lovernoun m.प्रेमीpremi
admirernoun m.प्रेमीpremi
sweetheartnoun m.प्रेमीpremi
mannoun m.प्रेमीpremi

  • Premi - FAQs

    • What is the meaning of 'premi' in English?
    • Translate प्रेमी in English language.
    • What does प्रेमी stand for?
    • Is it verb or noun or adverb?
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  • Premi Meaning in English

    There are total 16 words in English that can be used for Hindi word 'प्रेमी'. 'Advocate', 'young man', 'boyfriend', 'fella', 'valentine', 'beau', 'flame', 'male', 'heart', 'darling', 'man', 'lover', 'admirer', 'sweetheart' and 'man' are definitions in English. Bookmark this website for future visits.